Yoga Chair Exercises for Your Upper Body

Having an acute injury to our leg, knee or foot can be quite frustrating. When we are unable to put pressure through our leg, knee or foot and need a period of time to put our sore leg up and rest are there any safe yoga exercises ?  What options do we have to keep up our yoga practice during this time ?  From a seated or lying down position we could definately do yoga breathing exercises, relaxation & meditation.  Another option could be to do some upper body stretching without moving the lower half of our body. Focusing on some gentle stretches for our neck, shoulders, arms & hands.


Build Strength in your Wrists & Shoulders with Yoga

Yoga exercises are a wonderful way to create strength & create muscular skeletal balance throughout our entire body.

People with weak wrists & shoulder issues could really benefit so much from putting weight into their arms and hands.

When we put weight through the arms there’s an equal & opposite force that naturally engages the shoulder stabilisers & our rotator cuff muscles.

Please see below 3 simple exercises you can do at work or at home any time to help create stronger wrists & shoulders.

Standing with your hands on a wall & press lightly onto the wall.





The Importance of a Physical Yoga Practice When You are Learning to Meditate

How Important Is The Physical Practice Of Yoga When Your End Goal Is To Learn To Meditate ?

To prepare the mind for being still and focused in preparation for meditation it is best to engage in the physical practice of yoga poses or asanas.

The physical practice of yoga teaches us to bring ourselves back in to our bodies. As we move through a sequence of yoga poses there is a shift in energy. We learn to notice and feel what is actually happening to our physical body ie. muscles and joints and observe any thought, feeling, sensation and let it go. (more…)

Yoga For Tinnitus


When you experience ringing or other noises in one or both of your ears. It is inside your ear & only you can hear it & there is no external cause. The causes of your tinnitus is best determined by your doctor or GP, but can include an ear infection, problems with ears, nose & throat, allergies, problems with circulation, age related hearing loss, stress, stiff neck & jaw. Tinnitus could affect your attention span, cognitive function & sleep.


With regular practice yoga could definately help. If you have been diagnosed with tinnitus please be given the OK & all clear by your doctor or GP before commencing yoga & other forms of exercise.

The practice of yoga will

  • Help increase the circulation of blood throughout your entire body.
  • It massages & stimulates your organs to help remove toxins.
  • It helps us improve our immunity to protect us from infection & allergies.
  • Yoga helps to relax the muscles of our body including our head & neck which can help reduce the noise caused by tinnitus.
  • Reduce stress in your body & mind & restore calm.


The importance of our pelvic floor muscle. How do we work our pelvic floor muscles ?

Our Pelvic Floor muscles are located at the very base of our body as indicated in the diagram below. Our pelvic floor muscles represent the base of our core stabilising muscles and these muscles are responsible for holding up our internal organs including our bladder & bowel.

Exercising your pelvic floor muscles is very important to help keep these muscles strong, just like any other muscle in your body. Our saying ” if you don’t use it, you lose it ” relates to all muscles in our body including your pelvic floor muscles. Toned pelvic floor muscles help prevent sore lower backs, provide bladder continence, bowel continence, help in stabilising & balancing the other core muscles in our body, provide organ support, sexual sensation & a sense of healthy overall wellbeing.


Yoga Exercises to work our Core Stabilising Muscles

What are our Core Stabilising Muscles ?

Core Strengthening is essential to prevent all forms of injury around your lower back. Our core muscles include more than just our abs or tummy muscles. This picture above demonstrates the major muscles of our core which include our transverse abdominis at the front of our body, the multifidus muscle in our back. The multifidus muscle runs the whole length of the vertebral column, but is most developed in the lumbar area which play an important role to keep our spine stable & supported, hence supporting our core. Weakness in the multifidus muscle is associated with lower back pain. At the top of our core is our diaphragm. The location of our diaphragm separates our lunges from our stomach. Incorporating yogic breathing exercises into our daily life is also an important tool to help prevent lower back pain. At the base of our body are our pelvic floor muscles & these muscles represent the base of the core.


Some Benefits of Yoga

A regular weekly yoga practice encourages people to come together in a positive way to move their body in a positive way.

Utthita Balasana : Extended Child Pose

Benefits of Yoga : Yoga will improve your body in the following areas.

  • Flexibility
  • Concentration
  • Strength
  • Mental clarity
  • Strengthen joints
  • Muscle tone
  • Weight control
  • Aerobic capacity
  • Circulation
  • Stress relief
  • Stamina
  • Self Confidence & Self Esteem


Post natal yoga exercises for a healthy & happy mum

After the birth of your beautiful baby just be mindful that your body has undergone massive change. During pregnancy your body produces additional chemicals called hormones which have many functions, one of which is to relax the firm ligaments that hold the bones of the spinal column together as relaxin produced during your pregnancy softens your hips to allow for child birth. These ligaments stay loose for quite a long time after baby is born, so no forcing or straining.
