Yoga Chair Exercises for Your Upper Body

Having an acute injury to our leg, knee or foot can be quite frustrating. When we are unable to put pressure through our leg, knee or foot and need a period of time to put our sore leg up and rest are there any safe yoga exercises ?  What options do we have to keep up our yoga practice during this time ?  From a seated or lying down position we could definately do yoga breathing exercises, relaxation & meditation.  Another option could be to do some upper body stretching without moving the lower half of our body. Focusing on some gentle stretches for our neck, shoulders, arms & hands.

As long as your medical professional has given you the ok to move your upper body please see below a few upper body exercises that are performed sitting upright in a chair.  In these exercises please ensure your body is balanced with your shoulders relaxing downwards. Your lower body remains still.

Start sitting up straight on a chair. Centre yourself.  Maybe you could even take a moment to smile and feel happy to move your neck, shoulders, arms and hands.

1/ Shoulder Shrug : You could start by raising your shoulders up towards your ears – Inhale.                      Exhale – As you lower your shoulders back down.  Repeat x 5 times.

2/ Head circles : Like a clock. Move your head in a circle following the numbers on a clock face. Look up to the ceiling is 12 o’clock, then move your head in a clockwise direction ; 1 o’clock, 2 0’clock, 3 0’clock, 4 o’clock, 5 o’clock, 6 o’clock & your chin is towards your throat, 7 o’clock, etc until you return to 12 o’clock.          Repeat in the opposite direction which is anti clockwise.


Tricep Stretch : Raise right arm up. Stretch & lengthen. Then bend right elbow and place hand down between your shoulder blades.

Option : Place left hand on right elbow. Hold, breath, relax.

Repeat other side.

Stretching hands, fingers, arms :Interlock fingers & stretch hands to face the wall infront of you. Hold, relax & breath.

Then : move hands right. Look at your hands. Return to the centre. Then move hands left. Look at hands. Return to centre.    Repeat x 5 times on each side.

Pec Opening : Elbows at chest height. Start elbows & palms together.   Slowly open until elbows are out to the sides of your body. Close elbows and palms together.                                  Repeat x 10 times.




Rhomboid Stretch : Raise right arm up in front of your body, thumb pointing up to the ceiling.  Keep elbow as straight as possible. Then slowly move your right arm across your body towards your left .

Options : Place left arm underneath right arm.

Repeat left side.


Thoracic Mobility : Start centre, elbows out to the side. Keep your shoulders relaxed down. Turn shoulders right, then turn head right.  Return to centre.  Then turn shoulders left, then turn head left. Return to centre.

Repeat x 3 times.


Opening Shoulders, stretching arms & stretching your neck : Sitting up straight . Stretch your arms to grip the back of your chair. Slowly raise your chin – forward and up. Return to centre. Then slowly move your chin forward and down towards your throat.

Throughout your exercises please work in the limitations of your body.  No forcing or straining.  Our intention is to be kind and gentle on our body.

During times of discomfort, pain or injury it is very important to keep a note on your mental health. Incorporating yoga breathing exercises, relaxation / Yoga Nidra & meditation could be very beneficial to keeping us calm & relaxed.  Please see this link to our guided relaxations on Apple Music  & also available on Spotify

Simply lye down, relax, breath & let go as you listen to these guided relaxations ! I have incorporated some yoga breathing in these ones which can help to slow down your breath and help you tap into your parasympathetic nervous system .

Journaling your feelings & experience could also be helpful for you during this time. You may like to add an intension such as patience & kindness to myself.

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