Kids Yoga
A positive, happy, non competitive environment kids yoga improves confidence, self esteem, concentration and balance.
They develop strong, flexible, healthy bodies and increase body awareness. Yoga for kids provides creativity and is a fun way to calm down active little minds and self reflection, while encouraging social interaction.
School aged children : When dealing with large groups of children it is best to tailor the kids yoga into age specific groups. This will create the best learning environment and outcomes for the children.
The breakdown of these specific age groups : Kids 5-8 years, Teens 9-12 years, Teenagers 13-18 years
Cost : $14 per child. Minimum 6 children, Maximum 20 children per class.
45 minutes to 1 hour is the recommended time of each kids yoga class.
Dana can attend before and after school care facilities, vacation care during school holidays in the St George area and Sutherland shire, Sydney. Bookings essential.
Yoga to help children aged from 5 years through to 18 years. Yoga corrective exercises to help asthma, stress and anxiety, lower back issues, digestion, ADD, depression, focus, attention and concentration.
45 minute private lesson $60
To Book an appointment phone 0438 645 811 or email
Suitable for 5 – 11 year olds. Kids Yoga
Address : Gymea Bay
Dates : Cost : $14 per child
Time :
Maximum of 6 kids per class. Must book in. To book click on timetable page of this website. On the timetable click the blue “Book Now” button and follow the prompts to book into our Kids Yoga course. Alternatively to book phone 0438 645 811 or email
To Pay : Direct Deposit
BSB : 032059
Account Number : 233745
Account name : Yoga With Dana.
Please write your name as the payment reference.